Anti-effects on Acute Bacterial Peritonitis of Total Glycosides from Paeonia Suffruticosa Andr. and Paeonia Lactiflora Pall 牡丹皮、赤芍总苷对急性细菌性腹膜炎的抑制作用研究
Optimization of Microwave-assisted Extraction of Oil from Paeonia suffruticosa Andr. Seeds Using Response Surface Analysis 响应面法优化微波提取牡丹籽油的工艺研究
Ultrastructural study of shoot apex in Paeonia suffruticosa andr. from vegetative growth to reproductive growth 牡丹苗端由营养生长转向生殖生长过程中超微结构研究
Study on the Epicotyl Dormancy Breaking of Seeds of Peony ( Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.) with GA_3 and Low Temperature 赤霉素和低温打破牡丹上胚轴休眠技术研究
Numerical Classification of Cultivars of Paeonia suffruticosa Andr. Based on the Measurement Data of the Pinnate Compound Leaf 基于羽状复叶度量数据的牡丹品种数量分类研究
Twenty characters of the pinnately compound leaf of 17 individual plants representing 8 cultivars in Paeonia suffruticosa Andr. 测量了8个牡丹品种、17个植株(每品种2~3株)的羽状复叶的20个性状。
Tree peony ( Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.), which belongs to paeonia, paeoniaceae, is an endemic ornamental plant germplasm resource of China, Central plain tree peony is the most widely distributed and the oldest cultivated groups of tree peony in our country. 牡丹(PaeoniaSuffruticosaAndr.)是芍药科、芍药属的落叶亚灌木,是我国特有的观赏植物种质资源。中原牡丹品种群是我国牡丹中分布最广泛、历史最悠久的栽培类群。
Tree peony ( Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.), one of the ten traditional famous flowers, is very popular for its big flowers, rich colors and varied cultivars. 牡丹(PaeoniaSuffruticosaAndr.),中国十大传统名花之一,因花大色艳、花型多变深受人们的喜爱。